Sunday, May 13, 2012

Portobello Road and Travelling Light

So I've decided that my travel photography skills need some work. As evidenced by the fact that I only took two pictures in the last two days. So my apologies, and I will strive to be better.

Saturday morning a group of about five of us went to the Portobello Road market. And let me just say that it is useless to go to one of these things in groups of more than two or three. Becca and I got separated from the rest of the group and couldn't find them again. But we're all big girls and know how to get back home, so it was all good.

The market went all the way up the street, and there were things like watches and jewelry and clothes and food and souvenirs and fur coats and books and all sorts of crazy stuff. Pretty much anything you can think of. And there were people EVERYWHERE. I was getting a little claustrophobic after a little while. I'm more of an introvert, and whereas extroverts feed off the energy of large crowds, introverts get a little overwhelmed by it all. So Becca and I didn't stay long. We left and decided on the spur of the moment to go to a matinee of the play Travelling Light at the National Theatre, where we were a few days ago.

For the record, Travelling Light was good. It was set in a Russian village, and had a Fiddler on the Roof feel--there was even a character who was very much like Tevye in looks and mannerisms. Bet you anything that actor played Tevye at some point in time. The story was about a young man who comes back to his village after his father's death, intending to stay only a little while, but when he inherits his father's movie camera and shows the townspeople how he can make motion pictures, he gets trapped into staying and making motion pictures for them. Eventually (you guessed it) falls in love with the lovely young woman he hires as his assistant. It didn't end quite as you would expect, though, but there was resolution at the end.

Look! The sun decided to come out! I rather hesitantly decided to leave my umbrella at home, 
but I was afraid the whole day that the powers that be would decide to make it rain just to spite me. That may sound pessimistic, but I still don't trust this London weather. 

There were a lot more people out than there were on Thursday, when it was raining. Strange how that happens when the sun comes out.

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