Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here Comes the Sun

Well, I never thought I'd say it,

but it was hot today.

HOT. As in like, 70 degrees with humidity. Really.

This is a BIG DEAL, people. Have you been reading my posts about how frigidly COLD it has been here?? And now all of a sudden it's suddenly spring--no, SUMMER--weather. Never thought I'd see the day. It was so funny, because we all wore sweaters and layers to class this morning and then all came home afterward and changed into short sleeve shirts and shorts or skirts. We're keeping our fingers crossed for good weather for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebration next week.

This afternoon we went to a matinee production of Chariots of Fire in the New Hampstead Theatre. An Olympic play for an Olympic year. Quite appropriate, don't you think? I enjoyed it.

The New Hampstead. They had a cow.

It was such a lovely afternoon.

I can't help but be happy on days like today. There's something about seeing the sun and being warm that changes my attitude to match. So even though I had my first real "experience" with London transportation today--extensive Tube delays and an hour on a crowded, hot bus trying to get home after the matinee performance--I was cool with it. Because it was such an absolutely beautiful day. And I am in London. And I have absolutely been having the time of my life.

How can I complain?

No wonder the Beatles wrote a song about this. They must have been in London for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. About the mood and weather's a wonder the whole country doesn't suffer from depression.
