Little kids who love the song "Old McDonald Had a Farm" would be in hog heaven at Mary Arden's Farm. This "real working Tudor farm" had cows, horses, geese, chickens, goats, the works. And, of course, many fluffy sheep.
This is Frankie. He likes to be petted, to the point where he will push Annie out of the way in order to get the maximum share of the attention.
We walked out to the pasture where all the sheep were grazing, including a good number of little lambs.
Clothed sheep
Nekkid sheep
I may or may not have compromised my dignity (ahem--I mean, gotten in touch with my inner child) by making noises and calling out to the lambs using phrases like,
"Here, lamb!"
"Heeeere, lamby lamby!"
"Come closer, little lamb!"
"Come on, lamb lamb, come eat your grass grass!"
Just a leeetle closer...
Once the other sheep realized what was going on, they all ambled over to the fence en masse to make sure they got their share of love, attention, and the handfuls of fresh grass we were holding through the fence for them to nibble.
Apparently for sheep, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Honestly, feeding the little lambs was one of my favorite parts of the day.
If growing up means I no longer get to feed cute little sheep, then I'll be a kid forever.
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