Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Let Them Eat Cake (and Go See Matilda)

Yesterday after walking the Thames, Becca and I were exhausted. I come home every day now feeling like I could fall into bed and be asleep in five minutes.

Thus, we needed something to give our blood sugar a little boost...

...So we chose CAKE. Chocolate cake, to be precise, from a cute little sweet shop on the West End, right across the street from the theatre. 

And we ran out onto the center of a roundabout to eat it. 'Cause we live on the edge like that. 'Cause we're edgy like that. And cars came inches from our toes. And we ate our cake with only one napkin between the two of us. We also ended up with three forks, strangely enough. The girl in the sweet shoppe had had a long day.


The last bite. I know what you're thinking: A-TTRACTIVE.
See the theatre right behind me in the picture?

We ran across the street to the theatre (and did not get hit by any cars) and made it to our seats about five minutes before the show was scheduled to start..

The show was Matilda the Musical, based on the book by Roald Dahl.

Happy face? I was being difficult. :)

This was the stage--the whole set was very high-budget and pretty spectacular. It was a fun show. They took some liberties in their interpretation of the story (movies and productions based on books always do) but all in all I enjoyed myself. I think in the past week I've been to more plays than I've been to in the past two years put together. I think I like this.

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