Friday, May 25, 2012

Hampton Court

I went hobnobbing with the royals again yesterday--this time our group went to Hampton Court Palace, which is a 30-minute (or thereabouts) train ride outside of central London.

The whole time I kept turning to my friend Kenzie and saying things like, "This is so cool!" "I can't believe we're here!!" "It's so crazy that these people actually lived here! "Isn't this cool??"

We strolled thorough Henry VIII's extensive kitchens. Talk about a hot, sweaty, backbreaking job for the people who worked to serve meals for at least 600 of the king's guests every night. I worked for catering for a year and a half, and we ain't got nothin' on these people. My gracious.

Roast peacock was sometimes on the menu. Yum yum. Do you think it tastes like chicken?

We also explored Henry VIII's rooms, William III's apartments (William of William and Mary and the Glorious Revolution fame), and the Georgian State Apartments. Hampton Court Palace has everything you think a palace would have:

Ornate bedchambers...

Gorgeously painted ceilings...

Grand architecture...

Imposing staircases and priceless murals...

Impressive receiving ("presence") rooms with gorgeous chandeliers. My gracious. I cannot get enough of these beautiful chandeliers.

Lovely courtyards with fountains...

Beautiful dining rooms...

Beautiful gardens and meticulously manicured grounds...

Grand halls and corridors...

So why the skirt, you may ask? Because dang, it was HOT. And there was no way I was walking around all day in pants. It was also incredibly humid--I felt sticky all day. Gross. But it's better than the alternative (rainy and freezing), right?

...And there was even a plush-covered loo. Yep. Only the best for the royals.

You are free at this point to stop reading and carry on with whatever else it is that you have to do besides read this blog post. But I will continue (for those interested) and post some of the pictures that were too good not to post, but I didn't have the energy to caption them. So here goes.

Oh--before we continue: This was a nice escalator mark I got from my rush to the train in the morning. I kind of tripped. Lovely. But never fear--I was on time!

Oh, the Thames. You are everywhere I go, it seems.


The End.

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