Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Do You Know the Muffin Man Who Lives on Drury Lane?

If you do, we'd sure like to know, because we had a heck of a time finding one.

After Trafalgar Square the group I was with decided to go and get a muffin on Drury Lane. I had romantic notions of a cute little bakery nestled in a corner shop selling muffins piping hot.

But alas, my hopes were dashed as we marched up and down Drury Lane with nary a bake shop in sight.

However, rest assured that we did indeed get our muffins. From a convenience store that was semi-seedy-looking, actually. But hey--they were still muffins, they were still on Drury Lane, and they were still good.

Our make-do muffin shop

My muffin. Chocolate, of course.

We went down the street a little bit to eat our muffins in Drury Lane Gardens, which was actually built on a church burial ground. Apparently there were quite a few burial grounds of old churches in London that were preserved as public spaces. Who knew?

The entrance to Drury Lane Gardens

 From our bench

Look--part of the old church still survives and you can see the cross on the side.

So we sat. And we did NOT feed the pigeons. Not intentionally, anyway. But if one is a semi-messy muffin eater, one cannot help if some crumbs fall on the ground to become easy prey for fearless pigeons. They'll come within inches if it means a crumb or two.

All in all, I would have to consider Mission Find-The-Muffins a success, even if we didn't find the Muffin Man.

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